Introduction to textile care
This guide is targeted at workplaces in the textile care industry. The guide is useful when an employee is being orientated and introduced to their job. The guide presents safe working methods in the form of text and pictures.

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- Published by:
- The Centre for Occupational Safety, Committee for the Textile and Footwear Industry
- Content:
- Tuula Haavasoja, Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL; Marja Liisa Haverinen, Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL; Taru Reinikainen, Trade Union Pro; Markku Aaltovirta, Industrial Union; Raimo Kilpiäinen, Yhteinen Toimialaliitto ry; Pasi Paukkonen, the Centre for Occupational Safety
- Release year:
- 2022
- ISBN (pdf):
- 978-951-810-838-5
- Sectors:
- Textile and Shoe Industry
- Formats: