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The Centre for Occupational Safety

Information entered in the occupational safety personnel register

The employer is required by the Act on the Occupational Safety Personnel Register (Laki työsuojeluhenkilörekisteristä 1039/2001(opens in a new window, you will be directed to another service)) to enter the contact information and the date of birth of the following persons elected or appointed in the workplace in the occupational safety personnel register:

Details concerning the employer, the workplace and the health care service provider are also entered in the register. In the occupational safety personnel register, “workplace” refers to the occupational health and safety cooperation workplace, i.e. the entity within which the cooperation is organized.

The employer may also enter the contact information of full-time occupational health and safety professionals, occupational physicians, occupational psychologists, occupational nurses and occupational physiotherapists in the register.

If the number of employees in the company or organization is less than 10 and no occupational safety representative has been elected, entering only the occupational safety manager in the register is not required.

Entering information in the occupational safety personnel register

The occupational safety manager or some other person authorized by the employer enters the information in the occupational safety personnel register. This can be done electronically at www.ttkrekisteri.fi(opens in a new window, you will be directed to another service) (only in Finnish and in Swedish)

The information is entered in the register when a new occupational health and safety cooperation term starts and updated whenever the information changes. The register must also be updated when the same persons continue in the same positions as in the previous term.

The Centre for Occupational Safety sends a reminder about the ending of the term to the occupational safety manager two months prior to the expiration of the occupational health and safety cooperation term.

Use of information in the occupational safety personnel register

The data entered in the occupational safety personnel register is used for conveying occupational health and safety information and information regarding the organization of occupational health and safety training. The Centre for Occupational Safety uses the information in the register to market its own training and to pass on its occupational health and safety material. Contact information may also be disclosed to organizations, associations and other entities organizing occupational health and safety training for the purposes of conveying material and occupational health and safety training information.

Everyone registered in the occupational safety personnel register also gets a copy of the Telma magazine, published by the Centre for Occupational Safety and the Finnish Work Environment Fund.