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The Centre for Occupational Safety

The starting point for a diverse work community is equal and non-discriminatory treatment of employees. Making good use of diversity requires understanding and appreciating the differences between people. It is the responsibility of each member of the work community to ensure that a culture that respects and makes use of diversity emerges at the workplace. Diversity is a resource that promotes the development of operating methods and services.

Diversity refers to the differences between various people in regard to characteristics such as age, gender, ethnic or national background, nationality, language, beliefs, family situation, health, work ability, neurodiversity, educational background and values. Diversity also refers to this variety overall.

Diversity in the work community has several benefits. When managed well, diversity has a positive effect on factors such as occupational safety, well-being at work, profitability and service ability, capacity for renewal, the creation of networks, employee satisfaction, employer image and the attractiveness of the workplace.

Managing diversity or variety is a key part of good personnel management and part of the activities of every supervisor. The promotion of diversity, equality and non-discrimination must be reflected in the goals and strategy of the workplace. It must also be part of personnel solutions and all development activities.

Non-discrimination means that all people are equal regardless of their age, origin, nationality, language, religion, beliefs, opinions, political activity, trade union activity, family situation, disability, health, sexual orientation or other reasons related to their person.

The grounds for discrimination prohibited by the Act on Equality between Women and Men are as follows:

Read more about promoting diversity, non-discrimination and equality in the workplace:

Watch the video about the Non-discrimination Act and its amendments, which entered into force in June 2023. You can change the subtitle language of the video.

Discrimination refers to the unequal treatment of people on any of the grounds of discrimination prohibited by the Non-Discrimination Act, the Act on Equality between Women and Men, the Constitution or the Employment Contracts Act. Discrimination is forbidden in working life.

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