Management and Monitoring of Work Ability and Early Support
The purpose of this guide is to help workplaces create and implement an early support model to help maintain employees’ ability to work. The goal is to notice when a person’s ability to work is diminished and implement support measures as early as possible.
Lataa julkaisu PDF-muodossa
- Julkaisija:
- The Centre of Occupational Safety, Private Service Sector
- Sisältö:
- Päivi Rauramo
- Julkaisuvuosi:
- 2022
- ISBN (pdf):
- 978-951-810-825-5
- Toimialat:
- Kaikille aloille yhteiset aiheet Yksityiset palvelualat
- Julkaisumuodot:
- PDF-julkaisu
- Kielet:
- englanti
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